Henshalls Blog

Beat The Burglar and Protect Your Home.

Written by Sallyanne Burdon | Nov 22, 2023 2:33:03 PM

Householders have been warned that the darker nights will bring an increased risk of burglary across the country.

Henshalls Director, Dave Williams said with the onset of Autumn and the clocks going back, previous research has shown that the number of burglaries are likely to soar.

“Darker evenings create the perfect circumstances for would-be burglars to strike, and it’s vital that householders do everything they can to protect their home and their family.

“The highest rate of insurance claims for burglaries occur at this time of year as the seasons change,  “UK statistics from 2021-2022 show that Aviva home insurance claims for thefts from property break-ins rose by 26% during the darker months (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar).”

Dave said householders should also review the security measures they had in place at home, in order to deter thieves.

Here are a few tips to help keep your home safe and secure;

  • Lock up your property: burglars are opportunists and look for easy access, such as an open door or window. Thefts can take just a few seconds and can even happen while you’re in your home, so keep doors and windows shut and locked wherever possible.
  • Make your home seem occupied: use timers or leave lights on if you’re out and aren't going to get back before dark. It’s also a good idea to leave a radio on to give the impression that someone is home.
  • Install a visible burglar alarm and outside lighting: alarms - or even dummy alarms - can be a strong deterrent. Good lighting, particularly motion-detector lights, can make it difficult for burglars to hide while they try to break in.
  • Don’t let thieves go fishing: never leave anything valuable – documents included – near doors, the letterbox or a window, as thieves can use coat hangers and fishing rods to hook them. Don't label your house keys either.
  • Keep ladders and tools locked away: most professional thieves don’t carry tools with them – they use yours. So keep sheds and outbuildings locked.
  • Keep your valuables out of sight and away from windows: consoles, games and DVDs are often high on the list of criminals’ must-haves. Other favourites include cameras, computers, mobile phones, and jewellery.
  • Password-protect your electronic devices: and keep your cyber-security systems up-to-date. Back up everything up in a cloud, and don’t write your passwords down where they can be easily found.
  • Don’t store valuables in the bedroom: thieves know that’s where most people keep their precious items. Stash them away in different spots around the home.
  • Security mark your property: you can buy kits to mark or etch your belongings. Using your postcode with your house or flat number, or the first three letters of the name of your home, will increase the chance of your property being returned to you.
  • Swap glass for something else: glass panels on doors can be a real weak spot. If you think glass could be a problem in your home, think about replacing it with laminated glass or using a film that sticks over the glass to make it harder to break.
  • Don’t invite burglars back: thieves say one of the things they look for when they break in is your calendar. By marking out when you’ll be away – on holiday, for instance – they know exactly when to come back for heavier, bulkier items.

These are just a few simple steps people can take to protect their homes when they’re out enjoying the festivities.

At Henshalls, we can help you to find the cover that’s right for your family’s needs so give us a call today on 01952 820358.

Source: Based on the number of Aviva Home Insurance Claims for Forcible & Violent thefts during 2021-2022