Did you know electric vehicle charging points have a tendency to catch fire? They are usually situated adjacent to electric vehicles which also have a tendency to combust.
All batteries are energy storage devices with the potential to dramatically release that stored energy as fire or an explosion. This can happen at any time, for a number of reasons and without warning. In order to protect your property, it is essential therefore that this risk is understood.
One of the most common causes of battery fire and explosion is thermal runaway, which occurs when the amount of heat generated inside the battery is greater than the heat being dissipated.
Fires involving lithium-ion batteries develop rapidly, often without warning and are notoriously difficult to extinguish.
It should also be understood that following a vehicle impact, whilst there may be no visible damage to the battery itself, there may be damage to its sensitive internal structure. Over time, this may result in thermal runaway, fire or release of flammable substances from the battery. Fires have also occurred in the battery when they have been removed to be worked on at workshops. It is critical that the vehicle and battery are thoroughly inspected by a competent engineer following any collision or accident.
Other risks include:
• The potential for the electrical systems on the vehicle to affect medical devices such as pacemakers.
• The presence of high voltage components and cabling capable of delivering a fatal electric shock.
• Components that may retain a dangerous voltage even when a vehicle is switched-off or when the battery is removed from the vehicle, such as for maintenance activities.
• Electric motors or the vehicle itself that may move unexpectedly due to magnetic forces within the motors.
• Slips, trips & falls risks associated with trailing charging cables.
• Theft of the cabling or charging equipment.
• The quality and arrangements of the charging equipment not being fit for purpose.
We have a comprehensive document which looks at some of the main risks posed by electric vehicles to your property.
Fill in the contact form and we will send you your FREE copy today.

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